My name is David Smith and I created this website to share the wonderful truths Yahweh has shown to me. Although the articles and studies are my opinions, based on my understanding of these topics, you will see that I support them with scriptural references and as often as possible the original languages. I encourage you to be the judge of what is truth by evaluating what you read here with your own prayer and study.
I live in rural Pictou County, Nova Scotia and was brought up with Baptist and Pentecostal influences but it wasn’t until 1996 I first heard our Heavenly Father’s name. It was from an online news letter called The Herald (now defunct) where I discovered the fact our Creator’s true name has actually been intentionally removed from our Bibles. Since then many blessing have come to me including baptism in Yahshua Messiah’s name and observing Sabbath and Yahweh’s holy feasts.
It has only been in the past few years I have been writing and recording songs in praise and honour of Yahweh and His son Yahshua. The songs reflect my faith, thoughts and musical taste but there could be a few that appeal to you as well.
I am non-denominational which enables me to freely follow truth wherever I find it without being locked into what others think or obligated to any group. So feel free to browse the site and let me know what you think and share with me what has been shown to you.
My favorite Bible verse:
2Th 1:10 When he (Yahshua) shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe.
What a day that will be!